/BCO-DMO/MCESponge/sponge --Lat_N eq 19.7005-- Level 1

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#  Sponge density and cover
#  PI: Michael Lesser
#  Version: 2018-11-04
site                            Lat_N    Lon_E      Notes                                                                                                                     
Little_Cayman_Rock_Bottom_Wall  19.7005  -80.0542   Percent cover and abundance are per m^2                                                                                   
Depth  Percent_Cover  Percent_Cover_SE  Abundance  Abundance_SE  
10     nd             nd                2.11       0.11          
20     nd             nd                2.19       0.3           
30     12.44          1.46              1.85       0.16          
45     nd             nd                2.6        0.21          
46     44.14          3.25              nd         nd            
60     nd             nd                4.03       0.13          
61     74             3.18              nd         nd            
75     nd             nd                4.79       0.3           
76     71             1                 nd         nd            
90     nd             nd                3.95       0.06          
91     76             8.08              nd         nd